How Anxiety Affects the Quality of Everyday Life


Photo from Psycom

In our day to day lives many struggle with anxiety that keep us from our days, but how does this affect our quality of life?

Samantha Orenlas, Staff Writer

Anxiety could have a very heavy and noteworthy impact on the everyday lives of those who suffer from it. Not many know the everyday effects of this disorder and could be experiencing it unknowingly. This is due to the fact that many often mistake it as normal stress or lack of sleep and/or nutrition. 

One of the first major effects that anxiety has on a person’s everyday life is that feeling of constant fear or restlessness. They often feel like no matter what they do they are constantly trapped by their fears. This can hold someone back from doing things they enjoy or trying out new things that could welcome future opportunities. According to, [people get] stuck between the fear of having panic on the freeway and the fear that [their] life will continue to shrink and contract as a result of that very fear.“ Like mentioned before, instead of opening new windows of opportunities, people diagnosed with this mental illness tend to run away and submerge into a mental reality that dissociates them from their desires.

The constant state of worry also correlates with time. Anxiety can make students feel like time is quickly falling out of grasp. Time, however, is a concept that adapts to experience, hence why when someone is feeling happy, time tends to “fly by”. On the other hand, when anxious times take over, it can lead to procrastination, lack of focus, and an overall feeling of no control. When things begin to spiral out of control, it is almost like a mental prison that can only be altered by the perception of the individual. 

In an interview with Saugus Student, Judith Vergara she mentioned, “ it’s actually pretty terrifying to see how many people that could be struggling with this disorder and not be aware of it. They spend time stressing and putting themselves down because they think they aren’t good enough. In reality, it’s not even their fault.” This is a commonly seen pattern in young adults especially high school and college students. They tend to be hard on themselves for not being able to do basic tasks such as finishing assignments on time. It is important to realize that there is a deeper reason why one can’t finish simplistic tasks. 

This disorder haunts young adults on a daily basis. Many of the affected tend to live their lives on autopilot and not fulfilling their true potential. The best way to rewire these bad habits is to catch it in the moment, to realize the time that is given is not abundant and we are worthy of love and happiness.