Living in a household with just one or two siblings can be chaotic. Living in a household with five siblings is even more difficult. Finding ways to live in harmony with siblings can help calm the atmosphere of your home. It might seem rigorous at the moment, but there is hope. Here are some tips when living with multiple siblings, coming from advice from Saugus students who have first-hand experience.
Tip #1: Personal Space. When living with many siblings, personal space can be complicated. Something helpful is having a space dedicated just to you. This space can be outside, in the house, or even in a closet! A few things to keep in this personal space are books, art supplies, snacks, and anything else that is calming and that you find pleasant. It would be helpful to communicate to your siblings that this is your quiet space, so they don’t bother you while you are there.
Tip #2: Respect: Having lots of siblings also means you likely share a room. Sharing a room can be stressful, so it’s important to acknowledge that both you and your sibling want to personalize the room. Remember that this space is also important to your sibling, so try to respect how they feel and be willing to let them have control of the room too. Designate specific drawers so each person knows where their items belong. You could also assign each person a wall to decorate to their liking. Understand that even though it may not be what you like, it will make your sibling happy. Having a happy sibling leads to fewer clashes.
Tip #3 Compromise: Having a lot of siblings means there are a lot of people who want to use the electronics in the house. For example, having an Alexa can be fun until you and your siblings argue about what to listen to. Taking turns to play songs can make things easier. Try to find similar music tastes. You might find some new songs that you like. Whether it is food, clothes, where you sit, or books, sharing can be difficult. Setting a timer is a helpful way to guarantee you both get a fair amount of time.
Saugus Junior Kiley Lofgren says, “Instead of yelling or getting mad at them (siblings), just take a deep breath and realize what they’re doing and kindly tell them to stop” She then says “If they don’t stop, just slowly walk away”.
When siblings argue it’s annoying, but it’s also pretty normal. Bickering with them is just a part of life. According to Kids Health, “Often, sibling rivalry starts even before the second child joins the family and continues as the kids grow..”. So don’t fret, everyone fights. Even if your siblings are fighting, you are not alone.
Having many siblings can be chaotic, but many tactics can help. Try experimenting with these tips and see if they change anything in your sibling relationship. Remember, having your own space, respecting your siblings, and being able to compromise are very helpful in creating a peaceful and quieter environment. Having lived with 5 other siblings, these tips have helped my siblings and me to get along and enjoy each other’s company.