As Spring approaches, Winter sports come to an end. Overall, each sport had pretty good records but Saugus Girls Soccer had one of the best records and seasons. Each team remained in at least first or second place with very few losses. To start everything off, Saugus Scroll has looked over each team’s record of the 2024-2025 season.
Saugus Girls Varsity soccer ended their season with very good results. Girls Varsity soccer started off with 3 preseason games against Thousand Oaks, Quartz Hill, and Granada Hills highschools. The scores were 0-3 against Thousand Oaks, 1-0 against Quartz Hill, and 3-0 against Granada Hills.
The next games were all a part of the district league. To break things down each team was played twice. The league opener game was on December 5th 2024 against Canyon. The game ended in a 4-0 win for Saugus. Goals were made by Makea Leonard, Tamia Neely, and two by Makeli Leonard. The second game later in the season against Canyon Saugus won 4-0 with goals from Tamia Neely, Celeste Ramirez, and Gianna Sandoval. The next game on December 10th was against Valencia. The end score was a victory of 1-0 with the goal by Makea Leonard. During the second time they played Valencia, Saugus won 3-1 with goals from Tamia Neely, Makeli Leonard, and Makenna Blum. The third game was against West Ranch and ended with a 2-1 victory. Goals by Makenna Blum and London Bane. The second time West Ranch was played later in the season, Saugus beat them once again with a 5-2 win by goals from Makenna Blum, Makea Leonard, and Emmy T.
Next girls varsity traveled to the Best of The West tournament on December 14 and ended with a win of 2-0 against Arnold O. Beckham and a tie of 0-0 against El Dorado.
On December 19th varsity took on one of their best competitor teams, Hart High School. Saugus held Hart up intensely and strongly for a remainder of the game but unfortunately got scored on in the last few minutes leaving Saugus with a 0-1 loss. The second time Saugus played Hart it was a hard loss of 1-5 and a goal from Emmy T. However, this score still left Saugus in a good place. Next, Saugus Girls varsity headed back to the Best of The West Tournament and took numerous wins home. The next league game was against Golden Valley High School and Saugus had a dominant win with 8-0. 3 goals were scored by Makenna Blum, 3 by Makea Leonard, 1 by Gianna Sandoval, and 1 by Ashley Pence. Second time playing Golden Valley Girls Varsity won dominantly once again with a 9-0 win. Goals were scored by Emmy T, Makenna Blum, Natalia Ramierez, and Makea Leonard.
Following this league game, Senior Night took place honoring the Senior Graduates of 2025. These seniors are Lily Golphenee, Natalia Ramirez, Lillie Robinson, Paityn Zenno, Mia Magin, Sofia Donapetry, Emily Thompson, Juliana Momary, Julia Glauser, Makenna Blum, Celeste Ramirez, and Quinn Smythe.
The next league game of the first set was Castaic and was played on January 14th 2025. The final score ended in a 2-2 tie with a goal from Makea Leonard and Makenna Blum. The second time Castaic was played, Saugus won.
With the amazing soccer record Saugus Varsity Girls had this season, they made it to division 1 CIF playoffs. Saugus Scroll interviewed one of the senior girls varsity players, Julia Glauser and asked them about their season. “Overall this season was really fun! I loved playing a great season with the girls I have known for years. It’s sad knowing that this is my senior year but I’m excited for the CIF playoffs and hope to get some wins!”