The idea of cell phone free schools has been implemented to junior high schools this last school year, ensuring students put their phones in their backpack walking into the gate, and can only take it out once they have left. Officials argue cell phones cause many issues in school. This includes not interacting, anxiety and depression, and mental health. This policy may expand to high schools.
They are trying to start a new rule that doesn’t allow phones at school at all. The reason they are doing this is because they feel that students are still finding ways to have their phones out in class and they are still using them outside of class too much. The goal for keeping our phones away during class was for students to not use them as much after school and during the rest of their lives. As the students are getting farther into the school year they are finding more and more ways to sneak their phones in class without the teachers noticing. Everyday this is happening more and more and teachers want it to stop as they believe they do not get the same attention towards them and the material they are trying to teach while the students have their phones. While they have their phones they do not pay attention, and they don’t learn what their teacher is trying to teach.
I interviewed student, Max Trevino, and asked them some questions about the new phone policy:
- How do you feel about the phone policy: they said “The new phone policy is fine as i never have my phone out anyway because i need to pay attention to learn”.
- Have you noticed any students sneaking their phones in class: they said “Yes, while i m in class I notice a lot of students not putting their phones in the phone pocket and also taking it out and being on it in class”.
- What’s your opinion on the phone pockets: they said “ I feel that they are useful but can be annoying sometimes as if there is an emergency at home I will not know about it until after class”.
- Do you think they should ban phones completely at school: they said “I feel that they should not ban phones at school, the reason is that some people have to text their parents or grandparents or even friends to come pick them up from school/practice and if you ban phones you won’t be able to do that”.
These are all reasons why we could ban phones from school’s, but there are also reasons why we shouldn’t as the student I interviewed stated.