Midnight Album Review

Midnight Album Review

Brooklyn Stevenson, Staff Writer

The day finally came! On October 20th, 2022, the queen, Taylor Swift, released her new album, Midnights. All the Swifties rushed to their music service to blast all thirteen songs available. During the forty-four minutes and eight seconds this album lasted for, many opinions came about regarding the album. Here is a review on the newest album with ratings provided.

Senior and fellow Swifty, Cynthia Wortmann-Tenorio exclaims, “[I’ve] a long time fan of Taylor Swift since before I can even remember, Midnights is definitely an album I’ll listen to forever.” Overall, this new album deserves an eight out of ten, the songs “You’re On Your Own, Kid,” “ Vigilante Sh*t,” and “ Anti-Hero,” definitely provide this album with some authenticity. These songs definitely prove Swift’s talents in songwriting and are fun to listen to. Personally, these three songs deserve a ten out of ten rating because the lyrics are very well written, the beats perfectly match the vibes of the song, and some even provide Swift’s inner sassiness which makes them even better.

“Snow On The Beach,” has also been getting a lot of attention from young teens as the famous artist, Lana Del Rey, is featured in this song. Lana Del Rey has some very popular hits and when people found out she would be featured in Swift’s song, many went crazy. Listening to this song, Swift and Del Rey are not a bad singing pair and definitely can make their voices flow with each other. The song could have had some better lyrics and the beat was a bit overpowering, but in all honesty it is a pretty good song and deserves a solid nine out of ten. Other songs that deserve this rating include, “Labyrinth,” “Karma,” and “Sweet Nothing.” These songs were well written, but could have used a little change in their beats as they were too much of a funky pop, but they provide some sassiness and overall enjoyment for listeners.

Songs that got an eight out of ten rating include, “Mastermind,” “Maroon,” and “Lavender Haze.” Some of the lyrics in these songs could have been a little more authentic as well as their beats, but they are not entirely horrible. “Maroon” and “Lavender Haze” did have some repetitive lyrics and could have used more of a storyline. “ Lavender Haze” could have also used a more folklore beat instead of a pop beat. “Mastermind” would have benefited from some more sassiness and a less overpowering beat. 

The lowest score given for two songs was a seven out of ten. The songs that got this rating are “Midnight Rains” and “Question…?.” “Midnight Rains,” has a very odd pop beat along with a person speaking in the background. It was definitely a bit of a strange beat that needed improvement. The lyrics were decent, but it was hard to pay attention to them with the obnoxious beat. “Question…?,” definitely needed more sassiness and less repetition in lyrics.  The beat was also way too strange, pop and the theme of the song was hard to determine.

Once again, Swift dropt a good album once again. Wortmann-Tenorio agrees,”Overall this album was better than I ever could’ve dreamed and I know I’ll be listening to it forever! It’s perfect for the season and has various styles and messages within the songs.”Though there are some improvements that could be made, it definitely is a fun, sassy, and enjoyable album to listen to. Swift has definitely grown as an artist and continues to amaze her listeners with each album she drops.
