Many people love going into Starbucks to study, do homework, or to just relax inside the building. Well, now people that want to just sit down or use the restroom inside the cafe can’t unless they buy something. Starbucks is putting in a new policy starting on January 27th that states people have to buy an item from the cafe to be able to be in the Starbucks building or to even use the bathroom.
In articles and resources on social media platforms, its going around that Starbucks is reversing their seven year open door policy. The open door policy stated that anyone was allowed to hang out in the store or to use the bathroom regardless if they bought anything. This policy is being changed for all North America Starbucks and has changed their code of conduct to make people have to pay for something to use the bathroom or to hangout in the cafe. This new code of conduct also bans harassment, smoking, vaping, asking people for money, and consuming alcohol outside.
There are so many divided opinions, some people think that Starbucks has the right to restrict bathroom access and limit where people hangout and some don’t. In an interview with Bryce Botton, a freshmen at Saugus Highschool, she says “I totally understand why Starbucks would enforce a policy like this. I support it and hope others will too!” This policy can be a huge benefit for Starbucks due to all of the people coming in the store in the future being a paying customer. Starbucks has come out with statements that include how they just want to prioritize their customers with what they are doing and to make them feel comfortable. If people that aren’t looking to buy anything try to linger in one of the locations, the store can call law enforcement on them if they refuse to leave.
All though this new rule can be harsh for people who go in without buying anything, there is an upside for all of the customers. Starting on January 27th, Starbucks that are enforcing this policy are also offering free refills of hot and iced coffee for any customer that stays in the store to drink their drink. This deal will be valid if you bring a personal glass or ceramic cup for the refill. There are also many other good changes to come for Starbucks, including not having to pay extra for non-dairy milk, waiting less time for your coffee to be made, and bringing the condiment bars back.
Starbucks mainly wanted to bring back the policy because they have dealt with dangerous situations before. A lot of things can happen inside and outside from random people and they stated that they just want to be extra safe. Every now and then, they will let someone use the restroom before they buy something because they know that’s okay but very rarely. Rules and polices are bound to be changed and Starbucks might keep on adding and taking away more but that’s just like any other big restaurant chain. Just know next time you go to Starbucks, make sure to think about buying something before you try lounging in the cafe!