In recent months, there has been a fluctuating increase in the amount of trash seen all around Saugus’ campus, inside and outside. As a result the staff have to pick up loads of garbage every day only for the load to refill the very next day. This is a problem as Saugus prides itself for being a clean campus and trash ruins not only the environment but people as well.
What are the negative impacts of littering?
- The pollution of the trash pollutes the air, water, and the land. Leading to health risks.
- The pollution can harm small animals and birds who mistake the trash for food and eat it, leading to death.
- A large batch of trash can be a breeding ground for pests such as insects and rodents, leading to ants coming into classrooms due to the litter.
- Garbage can potentially turn into a fire hazard if filled with dangerous flammable materials leading to fires.
- Can end up in the school parking lot, leading to car damage when people try to avoid it while driving.
- Garbage can lead to health risks as the litter can spread disease through direct/indirect contact with people, as well as contain bacteria and viruses and can thrive in populated litter areas leading to a disease outbreak.
- Cleaning up litter is expensive and time consuming, the employees do not have all the time in the world to clean it up, it requires everyone’s part. You do not have to only clean up for yourself, you can also clean up for your community.
Overall, trash makes the community look uncared and neglected, which can lose on people’s morale of the group as a whole and destroys the natural beauty of the Santa Clarita county in general.
How can I help?
– First, you as well as the school can reduce the amount of disposable products it uses such as paper, plastic, and foil.
– You can encourage people to use reusable items such as for lunch containers and schools can use reusable dishware.
– Schools can encourage students to clean up for themselves in posters, announcements, or emails to raise awareness of the issue.
– Schools can organize cleanups by clubs or events for students to clean up mess and provide equipment with gloves and trash bags.
– Schools could have some students investigate the kinds of litter on campus and use that data to identify solutions to this ever growing problem.
– Finally, Schools could try and assign trash duty to students who frequently litter so that it can prove an effect to not litter again.
In summary, the abundance of trash on campus is unacceptable on our beautiful campus, as it provides a health hazard to both the environment and to the people around us. Saugus scroll interviewed one of the custodians in this school by the name of Mr. Difatta, here’s what he had to say:
What do you think is causing this increase of garbage on campus?
Lack of accountability, priority, laziness, non respect, acceptance, tolerance
What do you think would help solve this issue?
Priority from admin and Senior students taking the lead….
Do you find it frustrating that students do not clean up after brunch/lunch?