School dress codes often spark up many strong opinions and can often make or break peoples days. The dress code is certain rules clarifying the manner of dress at a particular school, office, or event. Private schools tend to have a stricter dress policy but public schools such as Saugus, are a bit more lenient. The rules tend to differ from girls to boys and also depend on your school, location, and district. There are seven total key points of William S. Hart Union High School District student dress code that go over all the factors of the policy.
Beginning with ‘Guiding Principles’, the first article in the handbook describes that the best way to maintain a safe workspace would be to wear protective clothing, which is modified for different classes. For things like physical education students are expected to wear athletic attire, or for performing groups they should have a team/group costume. It also says that the students are to be treated equally despite gender, race, religion, body type, ect.
‘Goals Of A Student Dress Code’ the subtitle for the second article of the student dress code, this paragraph tells of all different goals the administration wants the students to meet. In total 7 goals are listed; As talked about before, the first two bullet points go over the standard of maintaining a safe environment and treating all students with equality. The next three state they want the students to be allowed to wear clothing that makes them comfortable, that expresses their self- identified gender, and permits them to wear religious attire without fear of discrimination. Lastly they include two final points that prevent students from wearing clothing with profanity, hate speech, or pornography. Adding to the last point they say no student should wear clothes that have any images or language that advocate drugs or violence.
The longest article of the dress code is called, ‘Student Dress Code’, as simple as one could put it. They put very clearly that student attire should permit the student to participate in all learning activities. It should also not pose any risks towards the health and safety of any other students. There is also a clear list of requirements that must be followed.

1) Students must wear both a shirt with pants or shorts (which also includes dresses, skirts, leggings ect.) Strapless garments are not allowed.
2) Shirts/dresses must cover the front, back and sides with fabric
3) Clothing must cover all undergarments, straps and waistbands must be included; tops can not be replaced with undergarments
4) Fabric must cover all body parts including, buttocks, breasts, and genitals. This fabric must be solid and not transparent
5) When wearing a hat, beanie, or hoodie ones face must be visible to staff
6) Clothing should always be suitable for any scheduled activities like: physical education, wood shop or science labs
7) Special course may require certain attire like sports uniforms or more
8) No clothing should be worn that show support towards any hate words, drugs, or weapons
Staff expects all students to comply and follow these rules as specifically listed before
‘Parent Responsibilities’ one of the 4 shortest articles quickly states parents are responsible for their own students’ dress, which is to ensure that they follow the rules.
‘Student Responsibilities’ is another short article that expresses that all students that are a part of any district or school are meant to comply with this dress code. Isabella Alfonso, a freshman here at Saugus highschool says, “I try my best to follow the guidelines, and to maintain an appropriate dress code” (Alfonso). One of the last articles in the policy is ‘Staff Responsibilities’ which simply puts staff to enforce the dress code and be aware of the policy at the end/beginning or each year.
Finally, ‘Remedies’ declares that administrative discretion will be used to continually enforce the student dress code.
Without a doubt many people will have their own decisions and opinions on this dress code, a good thing that one’s decision is simply their own. Some may love it or some may even hate it, however; it still exists and is made to be enforced. One should form their own opinion after reading this article and probably many more.