Many Juniors at Saugus High School work extremely hard for their classes and personal lives. Here is an inside scoop of one junior student’s life inside of school and out. Daisy Lemus is an 11th-grade student at Saugus High School. She talks about her progress in some clubs, like BSU (Black Student Union) and CSF, but she also plans to join the Fashion Club, Key Club, and Equity and Diversity.
When asked about which classes she is currently taking and how she feels about them, she said, “I’m taking AP Lang this year and two COC classes online. My hardest class would have to be Honors Algebra II trig because math scares me sometimes and I’m trying to challenge myself more this year. My favorite class so far has to be AP Lang with Mr. Del Rio because his class manages to be so funny while making me learn something new every period, even if it’s not about English. I spend about 2-3 hours on homework a day depending on what classes I have and I try to knock out any homework as soon as it is assigned so I have time to do things outside of school.”
Lemus thinks that replacing PE with another class like Pilates would be a better idea. “A subject that should be at school is pilates because it’s relaxing but also allows you to tone and get movement in without the heavy workouts they do in PE and it could conspire with yoga because all students need to detox and destress sometimes.” When asking Lemus about her goals, this is what she said: “My goals this year would be to stay productive and consistent with keeping my grades high, tapping into my hobbies like sewing and fashion, and going to the gym as much as possible. I look forward to seeing my personal growth in my knowledge, and goals because Junior year is considered the hardest year and I’m sure it will change me somehow.”
One big piece of advice that Lemus shares for incoming freshmen is to block out other’s opinions of you. “My incoming freshman advice would be to stop caring so much about what everybody thinks because no one cares about the things we overthink about,” Lemus discusses her approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.“I’m most proud of being able to take care of myself when I’m at my lowest because it made me learn to love myself and become a better version of myself. I had to learn a lot of lessons and learn not to rely so much on other people for my happiness and I had to spend a lot of time alone to be at peace with myself.” Lemus’ goals after high school is to get into her dream University and doing what she loves. “My dream college is UC Santa Barbara or UC Santa Cruz. My long-term goals would be to find a job I enjoy doing, making money, and to be an entrepreneur.”