Kicking off the season strong
As the new school year begins, so are Saugus sports. In order to start the season off strong, we should set a goal to encourage our athletes to perform at their best, both as a team and individually. Only by putting in hard work, can we expect good results. As Zig Zigler once said, “There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.”
Since we’re talking about the topic of starting the season strong, let’s hear from Isaiah Arriaga: “I feel like this year is going to be a really successful year for the frosh football team. We have a great chemistry already and after all the work we put in during the summer, I am confident that we are ready to win our league. The season is off to a pretty good start as we won our first game and the week before that we had won all 3 scrimmages against pretty good teams. Practicing in the heat is really tough especially after walking in a hot school all day then having to go straight into pads and helmets and moving non stop for two to three hours but I’ve gotten used to it as it’s been like that all summer.”
Encouraging Team Spirit
There is a lot to look forward to this year like rallies, games, and great practices. The basketball, volleyball, soccer, and football seasons are starting. The football team has been working hard to get ready for upcoming games. The players are practicing their plays, strengthening their skills, and focusing on teamwork. Throughout the season there should be fun rallies to attend, they are a great way to show our team some spirit. Hopefully there will be fun themes at the games when we get more into the season and holidays.
Creating A Memorable Season
With their dedication and teamwork, they are set to make this season a memorable one and make everyone at the school proud. They are working hard and ready to put on great performances, the players want to win games and also create a strong sense of school spirit .With outstanding and the best spirit, the cheerleaders are also doing their best and working hard to support and cheer on the boys.