A winter formal is a highschool dance that takes place during February. This year, just like any other year Saugus High is hosting a Winter Formal on February 10th! On February 9th Saugus ASB will be hosting a Winter Formal rally as well. It is a highschool dance that can take place during December or February. It is the time to ask a friend or someone of interest to the dance. It is similar to a prom but all grades 9-12 are welcome to attend.
Typically when someone asks another person to the dance they use a poster. An idea for a poster can be based on the sport they play. For example if they play soccer your poster can say “let’s kick it at winter formal” and put a soccer ball on it or even a goal or “can I score a date with you at winter formal?” and get a soccer ball and kick it to the other person when you ask. If the person you’re asking plays baseball or softball the poster can say “hey batter step up to the plate and be my date to formal” and draw a home plate on it. Another idea for baseball and softball the poster can say “let me pitch you an idea… to winter formal” and draw a glove with a softball or baseball next to it. Picture Sophomore Frances Villegeas says “I got asked by my friend and I got nerd clusters and airhead bites with the poster. The poster was about me being the soccer goalie”
More poster ideas can be non related to the sport they play and make it personal or make it funny. An idea is “can you picture us at winter formal” and put a bunch of pictures of you and the other person. If you don’t have any photos together you can say “I would be a lucky ducky if you would go to winter formal with me” and decorate it with a bunch of duck drawings. If the other person you’re asking loves food you can do a poster based on food! You can make the poster on In n Out, Chick-fil-a, donuts, sushi, or certain types of candy. For the In n Out poster the paper can say their name and say “are you In or Out of winter formal” and bring them their order. For Chick-fil-a the poster can say “it would be ‘my pleasure’ to take you to winter formal” and you can bring them a milkshake or their order just like the the In n Out. For donuts and sushi you can bring them their favorite type of donut or sushi and your poster can say “I donut want to go to winter formal without you” and “do you want to roll to winter formal together” Picture
Sometimes when you make the poster you can give a gift, maybe it’s flowers, a gift basket you made, or the gift is related to the poster you made. Going back on to the previous poster ideas mentioned, A gift for the soccer poster can be a new soccer ball, or snacks they can eat during or before their games.For the lucky duck poster get them a duck stuffed animal or something duck related, and their favorite snack. If you do not what to get them just get flowers and a stuff animal and some snacks they enjoy! Picture