This Halloween is coming up fast! Lots of people have trouble finding costumes for themselves and with friends. Halloween is the one holiday people dress up and go out with friends and family to go trick-or-treating. These are some fun Halloween costumes for you and your friends.
One that we see a lot on Halloween is Spongebob and Patrick. Spongebob and Patrick is an iconic hilarious duo the children and teenagers watch in the show “Spongebob Squarepants”. On “Amazon” you can buy the shirt and shorts but searching up. This link will take you to a SpongeBob t-shirt included with a Patrick t-shirt.
Another very popular duo costume is Devil + Angel, we see a lot of girls dressed up with this costume with their BFF on Halloween. These costumes resemble nice friends, mean friends, good influences, bad influences and more, https://www.amazon.com/Costume-Include-Headband-Halloween-Accessories/dp/B0B5W8SKKJ/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2MNSA8E0H4E72&keywords=devil+and+angel+twin+costumes&qid=1695928736&sprefix=devil+and+angel+twin+costumes%2Caps%2C290&sr=8-2 . This link will take you to “Amazon” and give you super cute devil and angel costume accessories..

The best rivals from Gotham City Batman and Joker are known for being enemies that never defeat each other but always fight. Many teens and adults love the anticipation while watching “Gotham City”. They both have opposing goals within the city which creates conflict. While Batman is trying to save the city from its own darkness, the Joker enjoys causing further chaos.

This last costume is for a bigger group of people. When you and your friends make plans to hang out on Halloween, it’s only reasonable to all go out with matching costumes. A super cool costume idea that is cheap and easy-to-get is a classic “ScoobyDoo”. ScoobyDoo is a classic show from 1969 that is funny, mysterious, and great for all ages. There’s both genders which makes it perfect for a bigger group of friends. A great halloween costume store you should stop by is Spirit Halloween!

In conclusion, Spongebob and Patrick, Devil and Angel, Batman and The Joker, and lastly ScoobyDoo are some duo costumes for the spooky season. Each of these costumes would be great for the 2023 Halloween and are really cute.