Concerts in the Park is a yearly series of concerts available to the public. Free concerts tend to be during the summer. These concerts occur every Saturday from July to August. Although these events are completely free, multiple vendors and businesses are hoping to get more representation through Concerts in the Park.
This year’s concerts included cover bands from all genres. Throughout summer, Santa Clarita presented cover bands for The Beatles, Guns N’ Roses, Reggae, 90s Grunge, Satana, Taylor Swift, Queen, and ABBA. Throughout the summer, the community was able to come together and appreciate music across all different genres and personalities. In previous years covers for Prince, U2, Bruno Mars, Rolling Stones, and Selena have been available to Santa Clarita.
Saugus senior, Samantha Egan, said that her experience at Concerts in the Park was amazing. “Being able to listen to Gun’s N Roses song live was such a great experience since I have listened to their music ever since I was a kid.” Concerts at the Park is a great opportunity for people, especially teenagers, to get together and hang out over the summer.
Personally, I enjoy going to Concerts in the Park. I like going with both my family and my friends. I’ve been going for a few years now, and I think Selena was one of the best performances I have seen. She sounded so much like the real Selena and it was so much fun watching her sing. One of my favorite parts about her performance was how much she interacted with the crowd and how she taught everyone Cumbias (or dances).
As mentioned previously, vendors and nonprofit associations have been able to receive recognition and business through these events. Logix Federal Credit Union is one of the main contributors, but Parkway, Remax, Snow Orthodontics, Farmer’s Insurance, and Coca-Cola all donated money to make Concerts in the Park possible. Not to mention that several local businesses provide food and beverages for concertgoers. Thanks to all of these business and corporations, these events are able to take place every year.
Although Concerts in the Park is one of the more popular events in Santa Clarita, there are plenty of free events that happen all year round. Movie nights, fundraisers, farmer’s markets, and car shows are some of the events that our city holds. There are events for families, kids, teens, and just about anyone. Overall, this event brings the Santa Clarita community together. Not only is it a great event for people of all ages, but it is free and available to anyone.