Saugus High 2023-24 Homecoming Carnival was held on Saturday, August 19 from 7-11 pm. This tradition developed in the 20th century when former students were encouraged to reconnect with their classmates and tour the campus. Here at Saugus, homecoming is a week’s worth of activities The activities include sporting events, students running their own booths, the voting for homecoming king and queen, and often a dance.
The week leading up to homecoming, Saugus had a week filled with themes every day, like multicolored Monday, tanktop Tuesday, Monopoly Wednesday, Jumamji Thursday, and class color Friday. Junior Alyssa Rodrigues,

part of ASB claims “I think spirit week is super fun to participate in and show school spirit during the week of an exciting upcoming event. My favorite theme during the week was bright colors day!”
On homecoming day many Saugus students attended the carnival and even had their own booths to raise money for their student-run clubs. Sophomore Immanuel Ranit volunteered at the Asian Student Union booth, The club is run by Junior Ellen Swin. Ranit explains “My favorite part of volunteering was that I was able to see all my friends come by our booth and try out our game.” With students running their own booths gives them an opportunity to interact with people from school, and gives them a chance to take leadership roles.
Every year for homecoming people vote for their grades homecoming royalty. Freshman homecoming court was Shaylyn Booth, Makayla Beltran, Derek Deleo, and Jack Basey. The sophomore homecoming court was Dononvon Reeves and Zoe Tejada. Junior court this year was Haley Noyes and Ethan Dionisio. Senior 23-24’ homecoming royalty was Lucas Francke, Madi Cruz, Grace Habeger, Hunter Habeger, Samantha Egan, Nathaniel Marin, Lexi Hoek, Jeremy Deleon, and Ryan Akailian, The winner of homecoming king and queen for this school year was Hunter and Grace Habeger. Hunter expressed his feelings before being announced at the homecoming carnival “Before we were `announced my heart was just racing and was so anxious to see who would win the royalty. When I found out I was king I was actually confused because Fanon had actually got me confused with Spencer from last year and called me ‘Spencer Habeger’ so I was fully aware but then I felt him put the crown on me and I immediately got so excited and happy. Thank you, Saugus!” Hunter expresses how he felt winning with his sister Grace. “Me and my sister both becoming queen and king made me feel the happiest and closest to my sister I have ever been. Seeing both of our smiles in the mirror after homecoming was just one of the most pleasant experiences and I couldn’t be more grateful.”

For the past few years, Saugus has thrown a homecoming carnival instead of a traditional dance. The carnival is the first school activity freshman and incoming students from other schools can take part in. Junior Eva Piantanida mentioned “I feel like the carnival is a great way to open up the school year as it allows school spirit to start flowing and it gives freshmen the to experience participate in supporting their school” From a former freshman Eva Rios feels “Homecoming as a freshman was fun but I was just getting used to everything and didn’t know really what to expect. Homecoming as a sophomore was really fun. Honestly, I think the rides were better this year and also just the environment and energy this year was just a fun experience.” Overall majority of the students get to experience how they feel about homecoming for the first time if they have not gone before. Freshman Shaylyn Booth “I think it was fun and was a good dance to ease into things. I did have a lot of fun hanging out with my friends and going on the rides. I think it was a great year to get started.” At the end of the day, you won’t regret going to homecoming!