Original Horror Movies v.s Their Remakes
November 8, 2022
Old horror movies and new horror movies have similar plots but are very different when it comes down to it. Acting in horror movies today feels forced, and although it seems the acting should be better, it really isn’t. In old horror movies, the acting was believable and people could barely tell if it was real or fake. Other movies such as Halloween, Friday the 13th and Scream are all series that have or are going to have a new movie come out this year, and have been around for 20-40 years.
The first Halloween movie came out October 25, 1978, and since then, there have been 11 movies. Although the first movies had violent scenes, they were missing that initial gore. The newer movies, while being more thrilling, violent, and gory, lack the emotions and feeling that the original had. But overall, all of the movies are good. Freshman Logan Smith says: “The newest Halloween movies are more scary and have better effects then the originals, but the originals are still good.”

Original Horror Movies v.s Their Remakes
Friday the 13th
The first Friday the 13th movie came out on May 9th, 1980. There have been 12 slasher films since then. The first movies were the best and scariest for this series, and the remakes could not exceed the originals. The first movies had the perfect amount of gore and thrill to it, while the newer ones are very repetitive. However, this series is still very good and scary.

The first Scream movie came out December 20, 1996. There have been 5 films since then. The first scream movie was the absolute best one, for it had the perfect ratio of scary, funny, and gory and had so many good plot twists. The new movies are not as good, as the acting seems forced, and they tried too hard to make it like the original. While the movies are still pretty good, nothing compares to the original.

Horror movies today typically have better special effects and more elements to make them more interesting and scary. Old horror movies have less special effects, and even though they are still scary, most of them lacked that extra touch of gore. But, old horror movies will always have that special, original feeling that new movies simply cannot match.