The In and Outs of Lake Havasu

Kailey McCall, Staff Writer

Lake Havasu is a lake city in Arizona and in California, since it is on the border of both states. It is a place where people live, go for the summer, and  even in the winter. The lake is split into 3 sections including  upper, lower and middle.The middle part of the lake is called “The Chanel” which is the most popular section. Water sports are extremely common here including tubing, wakeboarding, kayaking, fishing and swimming. Lake Havasu’s population is increasing by the day with the many things you can do there. As of now there are 55,463 people living there. 


Lake Havasu is home to many fun activities. The London Bridge is one of the many sites. It was moved from England in 1968 and is a gorgeous area to see. Another thing you can do is go up to Topac. Topac is up river and has a restaurant called “Pirates Cove, Havasu Springs is another area which is downriver, this has coves, restaurants and multiple docs. In the winter there are some other things you can do including, hiking, off-roading, and other places you can visit.


In 1934-1938 Lake Havasu was in construction. It was built by Robert P McCulloch as a retirement area and a recreational area. Lake Havasu started to become a popular area for movies. Some of the movies made here include, “Terror at London Bridge,” “Piranha,” “View from the Top,” and “Fit to Kill.” As the years went on it became more and more a family area, party area and an area to have fun.


Lake Havasu is also home to many different types of sea life. Some include Largemouth bass, Smallmouth bass, Striped bass, Catfish, Bluegill and Green sunfish. Even though Lake Havasu is a man-made lake, it is still home to many different types of wildlife. There are not any dangerous types of animals. It is ok to swim in the lake. 


Safety is a big priority in the lake area, some of the rules include: Only swim along the shoreline, anybody under 12 should always be wearing a life vest, no drinking is allowed when driving a boat, you can only be on the lake from sunrise to 10pm, when out in the middle of the water the person inside the boat needs to be holding up an orange flag. 


Lake Havasu is loved by many. An example is “I went to paradise cove, an area right next to Lake Havasu. The water was very warm and a beautiful place overall.” Says Megan Parker, a senior at Saugus High School.


Lake Havasu is a beautiful place that everybody should visit at least once. It is safe, fun and has a lot of things to do. As the years go on, more and more people come to Lake Havasu.