How Athletes Can Say Goodbye to Injuries

Saugus Sports Medicine attends to Brandon Lee during a home game against Santa Barbara

Photo captured by Melody Toney

Saugus Sports Medicine attends to Brandon Lee during a home game against Santa Barbara


High School athletes around the world have reached estimated rates of two million injuries per year. However, there are many ways to prevent and ward off these setbacks. Heading into this season, it is important that athletes prioritize their well-being through injury prevention.

  In any physical activity, injury prevention should be highly focused on. When athletes take the time to think about their body’s physical well being- training goals and achievements can be accomplished without risks of obstacles. One of Saugus High School’s Physical Education instructors, Sara Soltani, emphasizes “[p]hysical health, including regular exercise and physical activity [that] promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health.” 

The How-To concept of preventing injuries may be difficult to commit to, but these suggestions should encourage athletes to have an injury-free season.

Stress the importance of warming up. 

Whether these stretches are static or dynamic, the chances of muscle soreness and injury are decreased. 

Photo taken by Melody Toney 

Maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet.

A nutritious diet, including the right amounts of: fruits, veggies, and a variety of proteins (based on one’s physical activity) are needed to grow and repair an athlete’s muscles.

 Lastly, and most importantly, HYDRATE!

When the body lacks water during heavy physical activity, the body cannot perform at its best. Hydration is essential during any activity because it transports nutrients, lubricates joints and tissues, and regulates the body’s high temperatures. 

Chances of nausea, fatigued muscles, and fainting are likely to take place when athletes do not make hydration a priority

Cryotherapy For Athletes


Image found on Cryotherapy For Athletes

In addition to the ways of preventing injuries, recovering the body should be greatly emphasized. Saugus High School’s Football Coach Bornn touches on recovery for his athletes: “Athletes will lose their ability to play when injured, so they must remember to eat, hydrate, and sleep.”

Another way to promote the decrease of inflammation is by Cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is one of the best ways to quickly recover the body after a heavy activity. The Benefits of Cryotherapy  shares: “Cryotherapy, or cryogenic therapy, is any form of treatment using freezing or near-freezing temperatures.”

The source adds, “…[this] involves sitting or standing in a “cryochamber” for two to five minutes. During this process, a person will expose his or her body to liquid nitrogen in subzero temperatures, typically between -100 and -140 degrees Celsius.” 

Photo found on WhyNormatec 

Troy Yudin, owner of Santa Clarita Valley’s ICE Recovery and Wellness, one of the valley’s cryotherapy businesses, briefly explains his take on recovery for his athletes: 

“Some of the best ways to recover are stretching, foam rolling, soft tissue massages, normatec compression therapy, and of course, ICE.” 

Yudin adds, “Athletes are playing year round without any breaks. ICE helps repair your muscles faster so your body is fully recovered for your next workout or competition.” 

For more information on Troy Yudin’s well-liked cryotherapy center visit, IceRecoveryandWellness

The weeks of healing that athletes have to endure after injury are more than dreadful. This slow process can be easily avoided by simply and efficiently following steps of injury prevention. As author, journalist, and documentary film director, Robert Pelton shares, 

     “Tomorrow – your reward for working safely today.”